6D Ionization Muon Cooling with Tabletop Rings
6D Muon Ionization Cooling with an Inverse Cyclotron
6D superconformal theory as the theory of everything
6D supergravity without tensor multiplets
6D Supersymmetric Nonlinear Sigma-Models in 4D, N=1 Superspace
6D Supersymmetry, Projective Superspace and 4D, N=1 Superfields
6D thick branes from interacting scalar fields
6D trace anomalies from quantum mechanical path integrals
6dF galaxy survey final redshift release (6dFGS) (Jones+, 2009)
6dF sees the light!
6He beta-decay rate and the suppression of the axial constant in nuclear matter
6He+6He clustering of 12Be in a microscopic algebraic approach
6J Symbols Duality Relations
6j symbols for the modular double, quantum hyperbolic geometry, and supersymmetric gauge theories
6j-symbols for symmetric representations of SO(n) as the double series
6Li direct breakup lifetimes
6Li in metal-poor stars as fossil record of structure formation in the early Galaxy
6Li in the extremely metal-poor star G64-12 as a fossil record of early Galaxy formation
6Li Inelastic Form Factors in a Cluster Model