699 Hela CCD Spectrum
69Kr β-delayed proton emission: A Trojan horse for studying states in proton-unbound 69Br
69th Annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society 06-11 August 2006, Zurich, Switzerland
69^t^h Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society 06-11 August 2006, Zurich, Switzerland pp I
6C Survey of radio sources - II. (Hales+ 1988)
6C Survey of Radio Sources - III. (Hales+ 1990)
6C Survey of radio sources - IV. (Hales+ 1991)
6C Survey of Radio Sources - V. (Hales+ 1993)
6C Survey of radio sources - VI. (Hales+ 1993)
6C Survey of radio sources I. (Baldwin+ 1985)
6C** sample of steep-spectrum radio sources (Cruz+, 2006)
6cm and 11cm polarisation maps of SNR S147 (Xiao+, 2008)
6cm and 20cm survey of Galactic Center (Law+, 2008)
6D black string as a model of the AdS/CFT correspondence
6d conformal gravity
6D Dyonic String With Active Hyperscalars
6D Effective Action of Heterotic Compactification on K3 with nontrivial Gauge Bundles
6D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet cosmology