40Ar/39Ar ages from Fra Mauro
40Ar/39Ar Ages of Apollo 11 Group D Basalts: Evidence of High-Ti Volcanism in the Nectaris Basin and a Probable 2.0 GA Age for Crater Theophilus?
40Ar/39Ar Ages of Australasian Tektites
40Ar/39Ar ages of rocks and ores from the Muluozhai REE deposit in Mianning County, Sichuan Province and their geological significances
40Ar/39Ar analyses of phlogopite nodules and phlogopite-bearing peridotites in South African kimberlites
40Ar/39Ar Chronology of Central Europe Tektites (Moldavites)
40Ar/39Ar cooling ages from a vertical transect through the Patagonian batholith 46° S, Chile
40Ar/39Ar dates of eastern Iceland lavas
40Ar/39Ar dating and cosmic-ray exposure time of desert meteorites: Dhofar 300 and Dhofar 007 eucrites and anomalous achondrite NWA 011
40Ar/39Ar dating and paleomagnetism of the Miocene volcanic succession of Monte Furru (western Sardinia): Implications for the rotation history of the Corsica-Sardinia microplate
40Ar/39Ar dating and preliminary paleointensity determination on a single lava flow from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia
40Ar/39Ar dating in Thor-Odin dome, British Columbia, Canada: Excess Ar in high-grade migmatitic rocks
40Ar/39Ar dating of a Late Proterozoic palaeomagnetic pole for the Armorican Massif (France)
40Ar/39Ar dating of Apollo 12 impact spherules
40Ar/39Ar dating of geological events of the Allchar deposit and its host rocks
40Ar/39Ar dating of hydrothermal activity, biota and gold mineralization in the Rhynie hot-spring system, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
40Ar/39Ar dating of Neogene pseudotachylytes
40Ar/39Ar dating of Quaternary lavas in northwest Iran: constraints on the landscape evolution and incision rates of the Turkish-Iranian plateau
40Ar/39Ar Dating of Samples from the Cat Mountain Meteorite
40Ar/39Ar dating of the Jurassic volcanic province of Patagonia: migrating magmatism related to Gondwana break-up and subduction