40Ar-39Ar and I-Xe Chronology of Halite in Zag Ordinary Chondrite
40Ar-39Ar and Rare Gas Studies of Lunar Soils
40Ar-39Ar chronology of isolated phases from Bununu and Malvern howardites
40Ar-39Ar chronology of isolated phases from Bununu and Malvern howardites.
40Ar-39Ar Chronology of LL Chondrites
40Ar-39Ar Chronology of Nakhla and Lafayette: New Aspects
40Ar-39Ar Crystallization Ages and 38Ar-37Ar Cosmic Ray Exposure Ages of Samples from the Vicinity of the Apollo 16 Landing Site
40Ar-39Ar Dating and the Thermal History of the Jilin Meteorite
40Ar-39Ar dating of a melt inclusion from Dhofar 323 (H5): An early impact event
40Ar-39Ar dating of achondritic meteorites
40Ar-39Ar Dating of ALH 84001: Evidence for the Early Bombardment of Mars
40Ar-39Ar Dating of Canadian Impact Craters: Lac Couture and Lac La Moinerie
40Ar-39Ar Dating of Chainpur Chondrules: Search for Excessive Ages
40Ar-39Ar Dating of Individual Chondrules and the Siting of Trapped Argon
40Ar-39Ar Dating of Larkman Nunatak 06299: Comparison to Paired Sample LAR 06298 and to Other LL Chondrites
40Ar-39Ar dating of Luna 16 and Luna 20 samples.
40AR-39AR Dating of Murchison, Allende and Leoville Whole Rock Samples
40AR-39AR Dating of North Ray Crater Ejecta. I.
40Ar-39Ar dating of North Ray Crater ejecta. II.
40Ar-39Ar Dating of Scandinavian Impact Craters