4982 Bartini CCD Spectrum
4993 1983GR CCD Spectrum
4995 1984QR CCD Spectrum
4997 Ksana CCD Spectrum
49Cr: Towards full spectroscopy up to 4 MeV
4C equatorial sample VLA observations. II. (Jackson+, 1999)
4C radio sources and blue stellar objects
4C+28.07 still brightening
4CVn: Amplitude Variability in 1990-1991
4D and 2D Evaporating Dilatonic Black Holes
4D and 2D superconformal index with surface operator
4D Anomalous U(1)'s, their masses and their relation to 6D anomalies
4D black holes and holomorphic factorization of the 0A matrix model
4d Conformal Field Theories and Strings on Orbifolds
4D Conformal metrics, the eikonal equation and fourth-order ODEs
4D construction of bulk supersymmetry breaking
4D Constructions of Supersymmetric Extra Dimensions and Gaugino Mediation
4D deconvolution and demixing for supernova follow-up
4D Doubleton Conformal Theories, CPT and IIB String on AdS_5 X S^5
4D Edge Currents from 5D Chern-Simons Theory