3-D Relativistic MHD Simulations
3-D rotation of double-couple earthquake sources
3-D RPIC simulations of relativistic jets: Particle acceleration, magnetic field generation, and emission
3-D seismic modelling of general material anisotropy in the presence of the free surface by a Chebyshev spectral method
3-D seismic velocities calculated from lattice-preferred orientation and reflectivity of a lower crustal section: examples of the Val Sesia section (Ivrea zone, northern Italy)
3-D shear wave radially and azimuthally anisotropic velocity model of the North American upper mantle
3-D simulations of ICMEs by coupled coronal and heliospheric models
3-D simulations of solar and stellar convection and magnetoconvection
3-D simulations of stellar parameters
3-D Solar Atmospheric Model Over Active Regions
3-D Spatial Variation of b-Values of Magnitude-Frequency Distribution Beneath the Kanto District, Japan
3-D Spherical modelling of the thermo-chemical evolution of Venus' mantle and crust
3-D Structural Geology - R.H. Groshong, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999, hardcover, XV+324 pp., ISBN 3-540-65422-4
3-D Structure of Sunspots Using Imaging Spectroscopy
3-D structure of the complexes of solar activity
3-D structure of the lithosphere in the Aegean region
3-D subsurface displacement and strain fields for faults and fault arrays in a layered elastic half-space
3-D Subsurface Imaging of Planum Boreum with SHARAD Data
3-D surface deformation of the 2000 Usu eruption measured by matching of SAR images
3-D Switched Antenna Array for Angle-of-Arrival Measurements