3D Structure and Dynamics of the Homunculus of Eta Carinae: an Application of the Fabry-Perot, ADONIS and AO Software. I. Motions in Homunculus.
3D Structure of Arcade-Type Flares Derived from the Homologous Flare Series of 21, 24, and 27 February 1992
3D Structure of Carbonaceous Chondrites
3D structures of solar wind turbulence from large to small scales
3D Study of Suprathermal Oxygen Atoms in Mars Upper Thermosphere and Exosphere over the Range of Limiting Conditions
3d SU(N) + adjoint Higgs theory and finite temperature QCD
3D Sun Loop Tracer: A Tool for Stereoscopy of Coronal Loops for NASA's STEREO Mission
3D superconformal theories from Sasakian seven-manifolds: new nontrivial evidences for AdS_4/CFT_3
3D Surface Models from Opportunity MER NavCam
3D synthetic aperture PIV measurements from artificial vibrating vocal folds
3D Temperatures and Densities of the Solar Corona via Multi-Spacecraft EUV Tomography: Analysis of Prominence Cavities
3D Tensor Field Theory: Renormalization and One-loop $β$-functions
3D Test Particle Simulations of the Injection of Ultra-relativistic Radiation Belt Electrons During the 29 Oct 2003 (Halloween) SSC
3D thermal convection with variable viscosity: can transient cooling be described by a quasi-static scaling law?
3D Tomographic Measurements on Allende Volumes -- Constraints on the Formation and Accretion of Chondrules and Matrix
3D Topology of Prominences Measured with STEREO/EUVI
3D Topology Structure of Coronal Magnetic Field
3D Trace gas concentration distributions from groundbased and airborne tomographic DOAS measurements
3d trajectories of plasma blobs in solar eruptive and active prominences
3D Transit Spectroscopy for Extrasolar Planets