3D Simulations of Resonant Alfvén Waves and Electron Precipitation Stimulated by Active Ionospheric Feedback
3D simulations of self-propelled, reconstructed jellyfish using vortex methods
3D Simulations of Solar Wind Plasma Turbulence
3D simulations of surface harmonic generation with few-cycle laser pulses
3D simulations of the dynamics of the Radiation Belts including mixed diffusion
3D Simulations of the Dynamics of the Relativistic Electrons in the Outer Radiation Belt
3D Simulations of the Early Mars Climate with a General Circulation Model
3D simultaneous seismic refraction and reflection tomography of wide-angle data from the central Chilean margin
3D Solution of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Equations for Drip-Line Nuclei
3D Spatially Resolved Neutron Diffraction from a Disordered Vortex Lattice
3D Spectroscopy of Wind Driven Nebulae: The Large Western Knot in the Halo of NGC 6543
3D spectroscopy with VLT/GIRAFFE (Flores+, 2006)
3D Spectrum of Equatorial Density Irregularities Generated from Observed 1D Spectra
3D Spherical Convective Models of Venus
3D Spin Glass and 2D Ferromagnetic XY Model: a Comparison
3D Spinodal Decomposition in the Inertial Regime
3D statistical facial reconstruction
3D strings and other anyonic things
3D Structural Analysis of Ophir Chasma Based on HRSC Image Data and Stereo-derived DTM
3D structure and dynamics of the Homunculus of Eta Carinae: an application of the Fabry Perot, ADONIS and AO software.