``Theoretical Astronomy''
``Theory of Theories'' Approach to String Theory
``Titan,'' a source of gas and metal ions based on a contracted discharge and vacuum arc
``Topcolor''; Invited talk presented at "Strongly Coupled Gauge Theories, 1996", Nagoya, Japan, Nov. 1996
``TOY'' Dynamo to Describe the Long-Term Solar Activity Cycles
``Toy'' Dynamo to Describe the Long-term Solar Activity Cycles
``Trace anomaly approach'' to black hole evaporation - A critique
``U-Pb calcite age of the Late Permian Castile Formation, Delaware Basin: a constraint on the age of the Permian-Triassic boundary(?)'': Reply to a comment by Ian Metcalfe
``Ultrasonic stars'' for time-reversal focusing using induced cavitation bubbles
``Unusual'' X-ray Flares Discovered in XMM-Newton Observations
``Weather'' Records: Musings on Cold Days after a Long Hot Indian Summer
``Weighing'' a closed system and the time-energy uncertainty principle
``What is Dark Matter?''-My Own Perspectives
``What is man, that thou art mindful of him?''
``X-Ray Edge'' Singularities in Nanotubes and Quantum Wires with Multiple Subbands
``Yinghuo-1''— Martian Space Environment Exploration Orbiter
``You live and learn. At any rate, you live.'' —Marvin, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy