`$f_0 (600)$' and chiral dynamics
`17-15' Superconductivity - Rh17S15 and Pd17Se15
`A transverse conductive structure in the Northwest Himalaya', by B.R. Arora and M.V. Mahashbade
`Absorption' of gravitational radiation by the cosmic fluid
`Active Longitudes' in the Heliomagnetic Reference Frame
`Bartels' active longitudes', sector boundaries and flare activity
`Baryonic' bound-state instability in trapped fermionic atoms
`Blowing up' D-branes on Non-supersymmetric Cycles
`Circular type' quantum key distribution
`Classical' quantum states
`Clumped isotope' thermometery in foraminifera
`Clumped isotope' thermometry for high-temperature problems
`Clumped isotopes' in speleothem carbonate and atmospheric CO2 - Is there a kinetic isotope effect?
`Composite particles' and the eigenstates of Calogero-Sutherland and Ruijsenaars-Schneider
`Conformal Theories - AdS Branes' Transform, or One More Face of AdS/CFT
`Desert' in Energy or Transverse Space?
`Deterministic' quantum plasmonics
`Downward Control' of the Mean Meridional Circulation and Temperature Distribution of the Polar Winter Stratosphere.
`DSF' theory on mechanism of gushing anomaly in oil and water wells before an earthquake. I. Observation of gushing and causative hypothesis
`Effective' Pomeron model at large $\mathbf{b}$