(1) The Tomb of Amenemhet (2) The Tomb of Antefoker, Vizier of Sesostris I, and of his Wife, Senet
(1) The Universe and Life (2) The Coming of Man: was it Accident or Design?
(1) The Ways of Life: A Study in Ethics (2) Symbiosis: A Socio-physiological Study of Evolution (3) Free Will and Destiny (4) Beauty and the Beast: An Essay in Evolutionary Aesthetic
(1) The Year-book of Photography for 1906 7 (2) The Photographic Picture Post-card (3) Magnesium Light Photography
(1) The Young Naturalist (2) Nature (3) Victorian Hill and Dale
(1) Théiorie quantique des spectres La Relativité (2) The Theory of Relativity: Studies and Contributions (3) Teoria delta relatività: saggio di una esposizione secondo il senso fisico (4) Einführung in die Tensorrechnung
(1) Thermochimie (2) Union Internationale de Chimie Premier Rapport de la Commission Permanente de Thermochimie
(1) Tierpsychologisches Praktikum in Dialogform (2) Richtlinien, des Entwicklungs- und Vererbungs-problems (3) Alle Fonti della Vita
(1) Traité Clinique de Neurologie de Guerre (2) Annales de la Clinique Chirurgicale du Prof Pierre Delbet
(1) Traité élémentaire de chimie de Lavoisier (2) Leçons de philosophie chimique (3) La synthèse totale en chimie organique
(1) Union Académique Internationale Catalogue des manuscrits alchimiques grecs (2) Union Académique Internationale Catalogue of Latin and Vernacular Alchemical Manuscripts in Great Britain and Ireland dating from before the XVI Century (3) Union Académique
(1) University of Chicago Publications of the Members of the University (2) The “Athenaeum” Subject Index to Periodicals, 1916
(1) Völkerpsychologie, eine Untersuchung der Entwickelungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte (2) Das Geschlechtsleben in der Völkerpsychologie
(1) Vorbereitungsbuch für den Experimentalunterricht in Chemie (2) Chemisch-technisches Praktikum (3) Bücher der Naturiuissenschaft
(1) What I Believe (2) The Religion of a Darwinist: Conway Memorial Lecture delivered at South Place Institute on March 26, 1925 (3) Science and Religion
(1) What is Psychoanalysis? (2) Traitement des Psychonévroses de Guerre
(1) Who's Who, 1914 (2) Who's Who Year-Book for 1914 15 (3) The Englishwoman's Year-Book and Directory 1914 (4) The Writers' and Artists' Year-Book, 1914
(1) Wolffsche Begriffsbestimmungen Ein Hilfsbüchlein beim Studium Kants (2) Wilhelm von Humboldts ausgewählte philosophische Schriften (3) Fichte, Schleiermacher, Steffens über das Wesen der Universität (4) Baruch de Spinoza Ethik Siebente Auflage (5) Ency
(1)Diskordanz und Orogenese der Gebirge am Mittelmeer (2) Das alpine Europa und sein Rahmen: ein geologisches Gestaltungsbild
(1)Easy Lessons in Einstein: A Discussion of the More Intelligible Features of the Theory of Relativity (2)From Newton to Einstein: Changing Conceptions of the Universe (3)Die Einsteinsche Relativitatstheorie