(1) Symmetry of Double Radio Sources; (2) Continuum Polarization in White Dwarfs; (3) Circumstellar Emission in Recurrent Novae.
(1) Tabelle der Hauptlinien der Linienspektra aller Elemente nach Wellenlänge geordnet (2) Atlas de spectres d'arc: tableaux d'analyse pour les recherches spectrochimiques
(1) The Adolfo Stahl Lectures in Astronomy Delivered in San Francisco, California, in 1916 17 and 1917 18, under the Auspices of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (2) Planetary Rotation Periods and Group Ratios
(1) The America of To-day Being Lectures delivered at the Local Lectures Summer Meeting of the University of Cambridge, 1918 (2) The Voyage of a Vice-Chancellor
(1) The Boy's Playbook of Science (2) Examples in Applied Electricity (3) Manuale di Fisica ad Uso delle Scuole Secondarie e Superiori
(1) The British Journal Photographic Almanac and Photographer's Daily Companion 1913 (2) The American Annual of Photography, 1913
(1) The Captive Shrew: and other Poems of a Biologist (2) Lyra Modulata (3) In Exile
(1) The Concept of Sin (2) God and the Universe: a Physical Basis for Religion and Ethics (3) The Principia or the First Principles of Natural Things, to which are added the Minor Principia and Summary to the Principia (4) Outlines of the History of Psycho
(1) The Copernicus of Antiquity (Aristarchus of Samos) (2) Kepler
(1) The Decline of the West (2) Kaliki: or the Future of Civilisation (3) Nomades: essai sur l'âme juive
(1) The Discovery of the Nature of the Air, and of its Changes during Breathing (2) Stories of Scientific Discovery (3) Makers of Science: Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy
(1) The Doctrine of Evolution: its Basis and its Scope (2) Einführung in die Deszendenztheorie Fünfunddreissig Vorträge
(1) The Gist of Evolution (2) Selected Articles on Evolution (3) Science as Revelation (4) God and Evolution
(1) The Mediaeval Attitude toward Astrology, particularly in England (2) Opera hactenus inedita Rogeri Baconi, Fasc v Secretum Secretorum cum glossis et notulis; Tractatus brevis et utilis ad declarandum quedam obscure dicta
(1) The Moon in Modern Astronomy (2) Astronomical Essays, Historical and Descriptive (3) Evolution of Planets
(1) The Nature-Study Idea An Interpretation of the New School-movement to put the Young into Relation and Sympathy with Nature (2) Man and Nature on Tidal Waters (3) Tommy's Adventures in Natureland A Nature Story for Boys and Girls (4) Animal Romances
(1) The New Stone Age in Northern Europe (2) Man and His Past
(1) The Roman Occupation of Britain: being Six Ford Lectures delivered by F Haverfield, now revised by George Macdonald, with a Notice of Haverfield's Life and, a List of his Writings (2) Roman York: the Legionary Headquarters and Colonia of Eboracum
(1) The Star People (2) The Vault of Heaven: An Introduction to Modern Astronomy (3) The Heavens and their Story (4) The Kingdom of the Heavens: Some Star Secrets
(1) The Sun, the Stars, and the Universe (2) Astrophysics: the Characteristics and Evolution of the Stars