(Super)conformal many-body quantum mechanics with extended supersymmetry
(Super)gravity and Yang-Mills Theories as Generalized Topological Fields with Constraints
(Super)integrability from coalgebra symmetry: formalism and applications
(Super)Oscillator on CP(N) and Constant Magnetic Field
(Super)rare decays of an extra Z' boson via Higgs boson emission
(Super)symmetries of semiclassical models in theoretical and condensed matter physics
(Super)twistors and (super)strings
(Super-) String in Two Dimensional Black Hole and Target Space Dualities
(Super-)Gravities of a different sort
(Supersymmetric) Kac-Moody Gauge Fields in 3+1 Dimensions
(SUSY) Higgs Search at the LHC
(S_3)^3 Theories of Flavor
(T*B)_q, q-analogue of model space and CGC generating matrices
(t,3He) Reaction; New tool for studying spin-isospin excitations in neutron rich nuclei
(t,p) reactions on 4He, 6Li, 7Li, 9Be, 10B, 11B, and 12C
(t,^3He) and (^3He,t): complementary probes of spin strength for astrophysics and double beta decay.
(Twisted) Toroidal Compactification of pp-Waves
(U Th)/He and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of weathering, Hamersley Province, Australia: Implications for weathering history and landscape evolution
(U Th)/He thermochronology of the Tanzawa Tonalite complex, Japan
(U Th)/He thermochronometry of supergene base metal ores and implications for Namibian Paleoclimate