(De)excitation rates of ortho-NH3 and para-NH3 (Faure+, 2009)
(De)Localization in the Prime Schrodinger Operator
(De)quantization of black hole charges
(De)Stabilization of an extra dimension due to a Casimir force
(de)Tails of Toda CFT
(Di)lepton physics with ALICE
(Dis)assembling Special Lagrangians
(Dis)continuities of Massless Limits in Spin 3/2-mediated Interactions and Cosmological Supergravity
(E, r, α, β) summability in the hyperbolic two-body problem
(e,e'N) and (e,e'NN) experiments at NIKHEF, Mainz and JLab and open problems in one- and two-nucleon emission
(Extra)Ordinary Gauge Mediation
(Extra)Ordinary Gauge/Anomaly Mediation
(F)UV Spectral Analysis of Hot, Hydrogen-Rich Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae
(F)UV Spectroscopy of K648: Abundance Determination of Trace Elements
(F)UV spectroscopy of the hybrid PG1159-type central stars of the planetary nebulae NGC 7094 and Abell43
(F, D5) Bound State, SL(2, Z) Invariance and The Descendant States in Type IIB/A String Theory
(F,Dp) bound states from the boundary state
(F1, D1, D3) Bound State, Its Scaling Limits and SL(2,Z) Duality
(Fermionic)Mass Meets (Intrinsic)Curvature