$Φ$-derivable approximations in gauge theories
$φ$-meson production in proton-proton collisions
$φ^4$ Field theory on a Lie group
$φ^4$-Model and Holography in Four Dimensions
$Φ^{(2)}$ Perturbations of WZW Model
$χ$PT Calculations with two-pion Loops for S-wave $π^0$ Production in pp Collision
$χ^{(3)}$ non-Gaussian state generation for light using a trapped ion
$χ_{c J}$ production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation
$χ_{c2} \to ρρ$ and the $rho$ polarization in massless perturbative QCD: how to test the distribution amplitudes
$χ_{c2} \to ρρ$ Decay and the $ρ$ Polarization in Inclusive Processes: A Test of Mass Effects
$χ_{cJ}$ production associated with a $c\bar c$ pair at hadron colliders
$ψ'$ Polarization as a test of colour octet quarkonium production
$ψ'$ Polarization due to Color-Octet Quarkonia Production
$ψ'$ productions as a test of color-octet mechanism
$Ψ'/Ψ$ ratio in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions : a Measure for the Chiral Symmetry Restoration Temperature ?
$ψ(3770)$ and $B$ meson exclusive decay $B \to ψ(3770) K$ in QCD factorization
$Ψ=0$ at a sharp semiconductor/insulator interface. Is this correct?
$ω$ and $ρ$ Photoproduction with an Effective Quark Model Lagrangian
$ω$-$φ$ mixing and weak annihilation in $D_s$ decays
$ω$-Meson Photoproduction on Nucleons In the Near Threshold Region