$A_\infty$ Algebras and the Cohomology of Moduli Spaces
$A_{LR}$, Negative $S$, and Extended Gauge Models
$A_{n-1}$ Gaudin model with open boundaries
$B - \bar B$ Mixing in the HQET
$B -> πl ν$ Form Factors Calculated on the Light-Front
$b \bar b W^+ W^-$ production at hadron colliders. Top signal and irreducible backgrounds
$B \rar K^* \ γ$} from Hybrid Sum Rule
$b \rightarrow s γ$ AND $b \rightarrow s g$: A THEORETICAL REAPPRAISAL
$b \rightarrow s γ$ and $B_s \rightarrow μ^+ μ^-$ in Extended Technicolor Models
$b \rightarrow s γ$ and $Z \rightarrow b \overline b$ Constraints on Two Higgs Doublet Model
$b \rightarrow s γ$ and $ε_b$ Constraints on Two Higgs Doublet Model
$b \rightarrow sγ$ Decay in Supergravity Grand Unification and Dark Matter
$B \rightarrow X_s\,γ$ and $B \rightarrow K^*\,γ$ in the standard and 2H models
$B \rightarrow τνX$ decays in a two Higgs doublet model
$B \to A$ transitions in the light-cone QCD sum rules with the chiral current
$b \to c$ Hadronic Decays
$B \to D^* l ν$ with staggered chiral perturbation theory
$B \to D^{(*)} τν$ at Belle
$B \to D^{(*)}$ form factors in perturbative QCD
$B \to D_s π$ and the tree amplitude in $B \to π^+ π^-$