The Entropy Principle and the Influence of Sociological Pressures on SETI
The EPR Paradox for the Uninitiated
The exit velocity of a compressed air cannon
The Fermi Paradox in the light of the Inflationary and Brane World Cosmologies
The Fermi Paradox, Self-Replicating Probes, and the Interstellar Transportation Bandwidth
The force, power and energy of the 100 meter sprint
The Geometry of Putting on a Planar Surface
The Heart of Matter
The heavy spring at work
The Implications of the Early Formation of Life on Earth
The importance of the observer in science
The INT at Age Ten
The Inverted Big-Bang
The kinematic origin of the cosmological redshift
The Legality of Wind and Altitude Assisted Performances in the Sprints
The LHC, shining light on the Dark Side
The limits of cosmology
The Moving Center of Mass of a Leaking Bob
The Multiverse Hierarchy
The Neutrino Matrix