Transverse Mercator with an accuracy of a few nanometers
Treecode and fast multipole method for N-body simulation with CUDA
Trefftz Difference Schemes on Irregular Stencils
Trial wave functions for High-Pressure Metallic Hydrogen
TTRG integration of light transport equations: Azymuthally integrated radiances inside a Lambertian foliage
Tunable-slip boundaries for coarse-grained simulations of fluid flow
Tuning linear and nonlinear optical properties of wurtzite GaN by c-axial stress
Two New Second Order Radiative Transfer Equations and Their Solution by Meshless Method with Applications to Strongly Inhomogeneous Media
Two Parallel Swendsen-Wang Cluster Algorithms Using Message-Passing Paradigm
Two-Dimensional Central-Upwind Schemes for Curvilinear Grids and Application to Gas Dynamics with Angular Momentum
Two-dimensional projections of an hypercube
Two-Particle Schroedinger Equation Animations of Wavepacket-Wavepacket Scattering (revised)
Über die Berechnung der geographischen Längen und Breiten aus geodätischen Vermessungen
Ultra-large-scale electronic structure theory and numerical algorithm
Ultrawide phononic band gap for combined in-plane and out-of-plane waves
Unconditionally Stable Algorithms to Solve the Time-Dependent Maxwell Equations
Understanding the nature of "superhard graphite"
UNEDF: Advanced Scientific Computing Transforms the Low-Energy Nuclear Many-Body Problem
Unified framework for a side-by-side comparison of different multicomponent algorithms: lattice Boltzmann vs. phase field model
Universality class of the depinning transition in the two-dimensional Ising model with quenched disorder