A multi-domain hybrid method for head-on collision of black holes in particle limit
A Multisection Broadband Impedance Transforming Branch-Line Hybrid
A natural orbital functional for the many-electron problem
A new approach to the integration of rotational motion in systems with interacting rigid bodies
A New Implementation of the Region of Interest Strategy for the ATLAS Second Level Trigger
A new leapfrog integrator of rotational motion. The revised angular-momentum approach
A new method for studying the vibration of non-homogeneous membranes
A new method to find full complex roots of a complex dispersion equation for light propagation
A new parallel simulation technique
A new parallel strategy for two-dimensional incompressible flow simulations using pseudo-spectral methods
A New Technique for Sampling Multi-Modal Distributions
A New Time-Reversible Integrator for Molecular Dynamics Applications
A note on measurement of network vulnerability under random and intentional attacks
A Note on Symplectic Algorithms
A note regarding Gram-Schmidt states on $T^2$
A novel boundary element method using surface conductive absorbers for full-wave analysis of 3-D nanophotonics
A Novel Scaled Boundary Finite Element Method in Computational Electromagnetics
A Novel Symmetric Four Dimensional Polytope Found Using Optimization Strategies Inspired by Thomson's Problem of Charges on a Sphere
A novel view of plane wave expansion method in photonic crystals
A Parallel Tree code for large Nbody simulation: dynamic load balance and data distribution on CRAY T3D system