The NorduGrid architecture and tools
The Numerical Simulations and Resonant Scattering of Intensive Electromagnetic Fields of Waves by Dielectric Layer with Kerr-Like Nonlinearity
The optimal P3M algorithm for computing electrostatic energies in periodic systems
The Penalty Method for Random Walks with Uncertain Energies
The POOL Data Storage, Cache and Conversion Mechanism
The RAGE radiation-hydrodynamic code
The Rapid Analysis of Scattering from Periodic Dielectric Structures Using Accelerated Cartesian Expansions (ACE)
The Reason for the Efficiency of the Pian-Sumihara Basis
The recursive adaptive quadrature in MS Fortran-77
The Robin Hood method - a novel numerical method for electrostatic problems based on a non-local charge transfer
The Roe-type Scheme in the Scalar Conservation Form
The role of electromagnetic trapped modes in extraordinary transmission in nanostructured materials
The self-organized multi-lattice Monte Carlo simulation
The sign problem and population dynamics in the full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo method
The Software Anatomy of a Flexible Accelerator Simulation Engine
The solution of multi-scale partial differential equations using wavelets
The Structure of Positive Decompositions of Exponential Operators
The Symmetries of Image Formation by Scattering. I. Theoretical Framework
The symmetries of image formation by scattering. II. Applications
The Taylor Interpolation through FFT Algorithm for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Scattering