The dynamics of travertine terrace formation
The effective conductivity of arrays of squares: large random unit cells and extreme contrast ratios
The Energy Conserving Particle-in-Cell Method
The energy landscape of silicon systems and its description by force fields, tight binding schemes, density functional methods and Quantum Monte Carlo methods
The Extended Plane Wave Expansion Method in Three Dimensional Anisotropic Photonic Crystal
The Finite Difference Time Domain Method for Computing Single-Particle Density Matrix
The FLUKA code: present applications and future developments
The Geometry of Algorithms with Orthogonality Constraints
The GRID and the Linux Farm at the RCF
The harmonic hyperspherical basis for identical particles without permutational symmetry
The Heterogeneous Multi-Scale Method
The Hierarchy of Fast Motions in Protein Dynamics
The High-Energy Physicist's Guide to MathLink
The Hopgrid algorithm: multilevel synthesis of multigrid and wavelet theory
The ideal trefoil knot
The impact of Monte Carlo simulation: a scientometric analysis of scholarly literature
The LCG POOL Project, General Overview and Project Structure
The lid method for exhaustive exploration of metastable states of complex systems
The motion of the freely falling chain tip
The Network Solution For Electron Identification in a Wide Momentum Region with a TRD