Spectral-based Propagation Schemes for Time-Dependent Quantum Systems with Application to Carbon Nanotubes
SPICE model of memristive devices with threshold
Spin dependent operators in correlated gaussian bases
Squeezing of open boundaries by Maxwell-consistent real coordinate transformation
Stability Properties of the Time Domain Electric Field Integral Equation Using a Separable Approximation for the Convolution with the Retarded Potential
Standard SANC Modules
Static and dynamic properties of curved vapour-liquid interfaces by massively parallel molecular dynamics simulation
Statistical-mechanical theory of the overall magnetic properties of mesocrystals
Statistically optimal analysis of samples from multiple equilibrium states
Statistics of opinion domains of the majority-vote model on a square lattice
Steady State Convergence Acceleration of the Generalized Lattice Boltzmann Equation with Forcing Term through Preconditioning
Steady-state parameter sensitivity in stochastic modeling via trajectory reweighting
Steady-state relaxation and the first passage time distribution of the generalized master equation
Steam reforming on transition-metal carbides from density-functional theory
Steering in computational science: mesoscale modelling and simulation
Stochastic Analysis of Dimerization Systems
Stochastic boundary conditions for molecular dynamics simulations
Stochastic simulations of fermionic dynamics with phase-space representations
Stochastic Simulations on the Cellular Wave Computers
Stochastic thermostats: comparison of local and global schemes