Monte Carlo methods: Application to hydrogen gas and hard spheres
Monte Carlo Simulation of Comptonization in Inhomogeneous Media
Monte Carlo Simulation to relate primary and final fragments mass and kinetic energy distribution from low energy fission of $^{234}U$
Monte Carlo Simulations for the Slow Relaxations of Crumpled Surfaces
Monte Carlo Simulations of Ultrathin Magnetic Dots
Monte-Carlo simulation for fragment mass and kinetic energy distributions from neutron induced fission of 235U
MontePython: Implementing Quantum Monte Carlo using Python
Morphology of the universal function for the critical circle map
Motif-based communities in complex networks
Moving towards nano-TCAD through multimillion atom quantum dot simulations matching experimental data
Multi-Channel Computations in Low-Dimensional Few-Body Physics
Multi-GPU Accelerated Multi-Spin Monte Carlo Simulations of the 2D Ising Model
Multi-Moment Advection scheme for Vlasov simulations
Multi-Moment Advection scheme for Vlasov simulations
Multi-moment advection scheme in three dimension for Vlasov simulations of magnetized plasma
Multibody Multipole Methods
Multiconfiguration Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Treatment of Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics in Diatomic Molecules
Multidimensional HLLE Riemann solver; Application to Euler and Magnetohydrodynamic Flows
Multidimensional integration in a heterogeneous network environment
Multidimensional spline integration of scattered data