Conservation of connectivity of model-space effective interactions under a class of similarity transformation
Consistent thermodynamic derivative estimates for tabular equations of state
Constitutive-law Modeling of Microfilaments from their Discrete-Structure Simulations - A Method based on an Inverse Approach Applied to a Static Rod Model
Constraint-defined Manifolds: a Legacy Code Approach to Low-dimensional Computation
Constructing A Small Strain Potential for Multi-Scale Modeling
Construction of SO(5)>SO(3) spherical harmonics and Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
Contact line dynamics in binary lattice Boltzmann simulations
Continuum Free-Energy formulation for a class of Lattice Boltzmann multiphase models
Continuum multi-physics modeling with scripting languages: the Nsim simulation compiler prototype for classical field theory
Controllable density of states in molecular devices: the magnetic effect on cyclic molecules
Convergence and round-off errors in a two-dimensional eigenvalue problem using spectral methods and Arnoldi-Chebyshev algorithm
Convergence Characteristics of the Cumulant Expansion for Fourier Path Integrals
Convergence of many-body wavefunction expansions using a plane wave basis: from the homogeneous electron gas to the solid state
Correlations between structure and dynamics in complex networks
Correlations in sequences of generalized eigenproblems arising in Density Functional Theory
Coupled applications on distributed resources
Coupled Electron Ion Monte Carlo Calculations of Dense Metallic Hydrogen
Coupling lattice Boltzmann model for simulation of thermal flows on standard lattices
Critical Behavior in a Cellular Automata Animal Disease Transmission Model
Critical dynamics of two-replica cluster algorithms