An improved Rosenbluth Monte Carlo scheme for cluster counting and lattice animal enumeration
An improved unified solver for compressible and incompressible fluids involving free surfaces. II. Multi-time-step integration and applications
An Ising Model Approach to Malware Epidemiology
An iterative semi-implicit scheme with robust damping
An O(N) Method for Rapidly Computing Periodic Potentials Using Accelerated Cartesian Expansions
An OFDM-CDMA scheme for high data rate UWB applications
An Onsager-like Relation for the Lattice Boltzmann Method
An OpenCL implementation for the solution of TDSE on GPU and CPU architectures
An optimal linear solver for the Jacobian system of the extreme type-II Ginzburg--Landau problem
Analysis of band-gap formation in squashed arm-chair CNT
Analysis of bi-material interface cracks with complex weighting functions and non-standard quadrature
Analysis of optical waveguides with arbitrary index profile using an immersed interface method
Analysis of the absorbing layers for the weakly-compressible lattice Boltzmann schemes
Analytic approach for calculating transmitted electromagnetic fields through a slot array in deep sub-wavelength regime
Analytical Hartree-Fock gradients with respect to the cell parameter: systems periodic in one and two dimensions
Analyzing Trails in Complex Networks
Annealed Importance Sampling
Another Monte Carlo Renormalization Group Algorithm
APEnet+: high bandwidth 3D torus direct network for petaflops scale commodity clusters
Application of Coarse Integration to Bacterial Chemotaxis