Evidence for Landau's critical velocity in superfluid helium nanodroplets from wave packet dynamics of attached potassium dimers
Evolution in the structural and bonding properties of Aluminum-Lithium clusters
Evolution of dopant-induced helium nanoplasmas
Evolution of electronic and ionic structure of Mg-clusters with the growth cluster size
Exact condition on the Kohn-Sham kinetic energy, and modern parametrization of the Thomas-Fermi density
Exact exchange optimized effective potential and self-compression of stabilized jellium clusters
Excitation and relaxation in atom-cluster collisions
Excitation levels and magic numbers of small para-Hydrogen clusters (N$ \le 40$)
Existence of Unexcited and Excited Biexcitons in Molecular Crystals
Experimental Determination of Nucleation Scaling Law for Small Charged Particles
Explicit Representations for the T-Matrix on Unphysical Energy Sheets and Resonances in Two- and Three-Body Systems
Exploration of electronic quadrupole states in atomic clusters by two-photon processes
Exploring Interatomic Coulombic Decay by Free Electron Lasers
Explosions of water clusters in intense laser fields