Quantization of Sinai's Billiard - A Scattering Approach
Quantization of the Smoluchowski equation and the problem of quantum tunneling at zero temperature
Quantized chaotic dynamics and non-commutative KS entropy
Quantized Orbits and Resonant Transport
Quantizing Billiards with Arbitrary Trajectories
Quantum Aharonov-Bohm Billiard System
Quantum Algorithmic Integrability: The Metaphor of Polygonal Billiards
Quantum and Arithmetical Chaos
Quantum and classical chaos for a single trapped ion
Quantum and classical echoes in scattering systems described by simple Smale horseshoes
Quantum and classical ergodicity of spinning particles
Quantum and classical solutions for free particle in wedge billiards
Quantum baker map on the sphere
Quantum Baker Maps for Spiraling Chaotic Motion
Quantum Breaking Time Scaling in the Superdiffusive Dynamics
Quantum cat maps with spin 1/2
Quantum Chaos
Quantum chaos and effective thermalization
Quantum Chaos and Random Matrix Theory - Some New Results
Quantum chaos and the double-slit experiment