Cooperative game in a two-lane traffic flow
Critical behavior of number-conserving cellular automata with nonlinear fundamental diagrams
Crystalline Computation
Data Analysis Techniques for Resolving Nonlinear Processes in Plasmas : a Review
Detecting Nonlinearity in Data with Long Coherence Times
Detecting nonlinearity in multivariate time series
Detecting Nonlinearity in Pressure Data Inside the Draft Tube of a Real Francis Turbine
Detecting synchronization in spatially extended discrete systems by complexity measurements
Determining a regular language by glider-based structures called phases fi_1 in Rule 110
Deterministic Chaos in Tropical Atmospheric Dynamics
Deterministic site exchange cellular automata model for the spread of diseases in human settlements
Diffusion in a multi-component Lattice Boltzmann Equation model
Diffusion in Lorentz Lattice Gas Cellular Automata: the honeycomb and quasi-lattices compared with the square and triangular lattices
Dimension-splitting for simplifying diffusion in lattice-gas models
Discontinuous nonequilibrium phase transitions in a nonlinearly pulse-coupled excitable lattice model
Discrete analogue computing with rotor-routers
Discrete Physics: a new way to look at cryptography
Discrete-time quantum walks on one-dimensional lattices
Discretization of the velocity space in solution of the Boltzmann equation
Dissolution of traffic jam via additional local interactions