Analytic approach to stochastic cellular automata: exponential and inverse power distributions out of Random Domino Automaton
Analytic Proof of the Attractors of a Class of Cellular Automaton
Analytic treatment of the network synchronization problem with time delays
Analytical calculation of slip flow in lattice Boltzmann models with kinetic boundary conditions
Analytical solutions of the lattice Boltzmann BGK model
Anomalous Diffusion in Infinite Horizon Billiards
Application of Complex Daubechies' Wavelets to Numerical Simulation of a Nonlinear Signal Propagation Model
Approximate Lie Group Analysis of a Model Advection Equation on an Unstructured Grid
Asynchronism Induces Second Order Phase Transitions in Elementary Cellular Automata
Automatic Filters for the Detection of Coherent Structure in Spatiotemporal Systems
Beyond the Mean Field in Host-Pathogen Spatial Ecology
Bidirectional transport and pulsing states in a multi-lane ASEP model
Blind Multi-Band Signal Reconstruction: Compressed Sensing for Analog Signals
Boolean Delay Equations: A simple way of looking at complex systems
Boundary growth in one-dimensional cellular automata
Calibration of the Particle Density in Cellular-Automaton Models for Traffic Flow
CAM-8: A Computer Architecture Based on Cellular Automata
Can anything from Noether's theorem be salvaged for discrete dynamical systems?
Capillary filling using Lattice Boltzmann Equations: the case of multi-component fluids
Capillary filling using Lattice Boltzmann Equations: the case of multi-phase flows