A New Kind of Science?
A New Parameter $F$ to Classify Cellular Automata Rule Table Space and a Phase Diagram in $λ-F$ Plane
A non-slip boundary condition for lattice Boltzmann simulations
A realistic interpretation of quantum mechanics. Asymmetric random walks in a discrete spacetime
A Simulation of Oblivious Multi-Head One-Way Finite Automata by Real-Time Cellular Automata
A Systems-Based Approach to Multiscale Computation: Equation-Free Detection of Coarse-Grained Bifurcations
A Vectorized Algorithm for Molecular Dynamics of Short Range Interacting Particles
Abstracts for the June 27-29 Princeton Conference: Discrete Models for Fluid Mechanics
Abstracts on Pattern Formation and Lattice-Gas Automata
Accuracy of Discrete-Velocity BGK Models for the Simulation of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
Advancing density waves and phase transitions in a velocity dependent randomization traffic cellular automaton
Algebraic approach to directed stochastic avalanches
Algebraic Spatial Correlations and Non-Gibbsian Equilibrium States
An analytically solvable model of probabilistic network dynamics
An Epidemic Model on Small-World Networks and Ring Vaccination
An Euler Solver Based on Locally Adaptive Discrete Velocities
An Experimental Study of Robustness to Asynchronism for Elementary Cellular Automata
An order-preserving property of additive invariant for Takesue-type reversible cellular automata
Analysis and boundary condition of the lattice Boltzmann BGK model with two velocity components
Analysis of random Boolean networks using the average sensitivity