The Computational Complexity of the Lorentz Lattice Gas
The correlation dimension of differenced data
The description of an arbitrary configuration evolution in the Conway's Game Life in terms of the elementary configurations evolution in the first generation
The developing structure of dynamical systems
The Lattice Boltzmann Equation Method for the Simulation of Compressible Fluid Flow
The Lattice structure of Chip Firing Games and Related Models
The Mermin fixed point
The non-linear response of the magnetosphere: 30 October 1978
The Phase Structure in the Evolution of Globally coupled Spatial Prisoner's Dilemma
Three-level description of the domino cellular automaton
Tiling-Recognizable Two-Dimensional Languages: From Non-Determinism to Determinism through Unambiguity
Traffic flow on realistic road networks with adaptive traffic lights
Turbulence models generator
Turbulent channel flow simulations using a coarse-grained extension of the Lattice Boltzmann method
Two Cellular Automata for the 3x+1 Map
Two-Dimensional Navier-Stokes Simulation of Breaking Waves
Two-lane traffic-flow model with an exact steady-state solution
Two-state, Reversible, Universal Cellular Automata in Three Dimensions
Ultra-discrete Optimal Velocity Model: a Cellular-Automaton Model for Traffic Flow and Linear Instability of High-Flux Traffic
Uncertainty principle for single particle lattice gas cellular automata models