Simulation of traffic flow at a signalised intersection
Solution of the Density Classification Problem with Two Cellular Automata Rules
Solutions on 1D and 2D Density Classification Problem Using Programmable Cellular Automata
Some comments on the correlation dimension of $1/f^α$ noise
Space-time directional Lyapunov exponents for cellular automata
Spatial correlations in SIR epidemic models
Spatial organization and evolutional period of the epidemic model using cellular automata
Stability Analysis of Lattice Boltzmann Methods
Stability of Quantized Vortices in a Bose-Einstein Condensate Confined in an Optical Lattice
Stabilizing and Destabilizing Effects of Embedding 3-node Subgraphs on State Space of Boolean Networks
State Space Reconstruction Parameters in the Analysis of Chaotic Time Series - the Role of the Time Window Length
Statistical error in a chord estimator of correlation dimension: the ``rule of five''
Stochastic Minority on Graphs
Structure of Rule Table and Phase Diagram of One Dimensional Cellular Automata
Superfast front propagation in reactive systems with anomalous diffusion
Symmetry pattern transition in cellular automata with complex behavior
Synchronization and control of cellular automata
Synchronization and Stability in Noisy Population Dynamics
Testing For Nonlinearity Using Redundancies: Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects
The B36/S125 "2x2" Life-Like Cellular Automaton