A relation between some special centro-skew, near-Toeplitz, tridiagonal matrices and circulant matrices
A remainder estimate for Weyl's law on Liouville tori
A Remark on Coefficients of Jacobi Matrices Arising from a Schrodinger Operator
A remark on Schatten-von Neumann properties of resolvent differences of generalized Robin Laplacians on bounded domains
A representation formula related to Schrodinger operators
A review of Hardy inequalities
A Riemannian Off-Diagonal Heat Kernel Bound for Uniformly Elliptic Operators
A Schauder and Riesz Basis Criterion for Non-Self-Adjoint Schrödinger Operators with Periodic and Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions
A search for episodic increases in upper atmospheric water vapor as evidence of an extraterrestrial source
A semiclassical heat trace expansion for the perturbed harmonic oscillator
A sequence of zero modes of Weyl-Dirac operators and an associated sequence of solvable polynomials
A Sharp Bound for the Ratio of the First Two Dirichlet Eigenvalues of a Domain in a Hemisphere of S^n
A sharp bound on eigenvalues of Schroedinger operators on the halfline with complex-valued potentials
A sharp upper bound for the first Dirichlet eigenvalue and the growth of the isoperimetric constant of convex domains
A Short Course on One-Dimensional Random Schrödinger Operators
A Simple Approach to Global Regime of the Random Matrix Theory
A simple method of calculating eigenvalues and resonances in domains with infinite regular ends
A solution to an Ambarzumyan problem on trees
A special class of solutions of the truncated Hill's equation
A spectral correspondence for Maass waveforms