Factorization Theorem for the Transfer Function Associated with an Unbounded Non-Self-Adjoint 2x2 Operator Matrix
Factorization theorem for the transfer function of a 2x2 operator matrix with unbounded couplings
Faddeev-Marchenko scattering for CMV matrices and the Strong Szego Theorem
Fine Structure of the Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials, I. A Tale of Two Pictures
Fine Structure of the Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials, II. OPUC With Competing Exponential Decay
Fine structure of the zeros of orthogonal polynomials, III. Periodic recursion coefficients
Finite deficiency indices and uniform remainder in Weyl's law
Finite difference operators with a finite--band spectrum
Finite differrence operators with a finite--band spectrum
Finite Gap Jacobi Matrices, I. The Isospectral Torus
Finite Gap Jacobi Matrices, II. The Szegő Class
Finite Gap Jacobi Matrices, III. Beyond the Szegő Class
Finite Gap Jacobi Matrices: An Announcement
Finite lifetime eigenfunctions of coupled systems of harmonic oscillators
First order approach and index theorems for discrete and metric graphs
First order operators and boundary triples
Fourier Tauberian Theorems and Applications
Fourier transform, null variety, and Laplacian's eigenvalues
Fractal upper bounds on the density of semiclassical resonances
Fredholm equations for non-symmetric kernels, with applications to iterated integral operators