Post-Lie algebra structures and generalized derivations of semisimple Lie algebras
PostLie algebra structures on the Lie algebra sl(2,C)
Potentially Nilpotent Patterns and the Nilpotent-Jacobian Method
Potter, Wielandt, and Drazin on the matrix equation $AB=ωBA$, with some new answers to old questions
Pre-Lie algebras in positive characteristic
Pre-Lie systems and obstruction to A_infty-structures over a ring
Pre-torsors and Galois comodules over mixed distributive laws
Precomplete clones on infinite sets which are closed under conjugation
Prequantales and applications to semistar operations and module systems
Presentations of Grothendieck constructions
Presentations of matrix rings
Preserving meets in meet-dense poset completions
Preserving zeros of a polynomial
Presto! Digitization, Part I: From NKS Number Theory to "XORbitant" Semantics, by way of Cayley-Dickson Process and Zero-Divisor-based "Representations"
Primarily quasilocal fields and 1-dimensional abstract local class field theory
Primary decomposable subspaces of $k[t]$ and Right ideals of the first Weyl algebra $A_{1}(k)$ in characteristic zero
Prime affine algebras of GK dimension two which are almost PI algebras
Prime Filters in an MV-algebra
Prime Filters in MV-algebras II
Prime fuzzy ideals over noncommutative rings