Projection Onto A Simplex
Projective geometry and the outer approximation algorithm for multiobjective linear programming
Projective Reeds-Shepp car on $S^2$ with quadratic cost
Proofs of "LQG Control For MIMO System Over Multiple TCP-like Erasure Channels"
Proofs of the Technical Results Justifying a Biologically Inspired Algorithm for Reactive Navigation of Nonholonomic Robots in Maze-Like Environments
Properties and applications of dual reduction
Properties of Closed-Loop Reference Models in Adaptive Control
Properties of sub-matrices of Sylvester matrices and triangular toeplitz matrices
Provably Safe and Robust Learning-Based Model Predictive Control
Prox-regularity of rank constraint sets and implications for algorithms
Proximal Calculus and Universal Feedback Strategies in Two Person Non-Zero Sum Differential Games
Proximal methods for minimizing the sum of a convex function and a composite function
Proximal Point Method for a Special Class of Nonconvex Functions on Hadamard Manifolds
Proximal Splitting Methods in Signal Processing
Proximity for Sums of Composite Functions
Pseudopolynomial algorithm for single machine scheduling (withdrawn)
Putting the prisoner's dilemma in context