A Multivariate Fast Discrete Walsh Transform with an Application to Function Interpolation
A Muntz Type Theorem for a Family of Corner Cutting Schemes
A new algorithm for the volume of a convex polytope
A new and efficient method for the computation of Legendre coefficients
A new and elementary proof of Newton's "favorite" quadrature formulae
A new approach for the existence problem of minimal cubature formulas based on the Larman-Rogers-Seidel theorem
A new approach to nonlinear constrained Tikhonov regularization
A new approach to source conditions in regularization with general residual term
A New Boundary Scheme for BGK Model
A new Cement to Glue non-conforming Grids with Robin interface conditions: the finite element case
A New Class of Conservative Large Time Step Methods for the BGK Models of the Boltzmann Equation
A new construction of perfectly matched layers for the linearized Euler equations
A new definition of nonlinear statistics mean and variance
A new discrepancy principle
A New Domain Decomposition Method for the Compressible Euler Equations
A New Error Bound for Shifted Surface Spline Interpolation
A New Family of Multistep Methods with Improved Phase Lag Characteristics for the Integration of Orbital Problems
A new formulation of the near-equilibrium theory of turbulence
A new generalized field of values
A new H(div)-conforming p-interpolation operator in two dimensions