A method for computing waveguide scattering matrices in the presence of discrete spectrum
A micro-macro parareal algorithm: application to singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations
A micro/macro algorithm to accelerate Monte Carlo simulation of stochastic differential equations
A Milstein scheme for SPDEs
A minimum-energy quadratic curve through three points and corresponding cubic Hermite spline
A mixed discontinuous/continuous finite element pair for shallow-water ocean modelling
A mixed finite volume scheme for anisotropic diffusion problems on any grid
A Model for Understanding Numerical Stability
A modified BFGS quasi-Newton iterative formula
A modified characteristic finite element method for a fully nonlinear formulation of the semigeostrophic flow equations
A Modified EMD Algorithm and its Applications
A modified semi--implict Euler-Maruyama Scheme for finite element discretization of SPDEs
A Modified Smagorinsky Subgrid Scale Model for the Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow
A mollified Ensemble Kalman filter
A moving mesh method with variable relaxation time
A multi-level algorithm for the solution of moment problems
A multi-material CCALE-MOF approach in cylindrical geometry
A multi-mesh finite element method for Lagrange elements of arbitrary degree
A multi-moment scheme for the two dimensional Maxwell's equations
A Multilevel Correction Type of Adaptive Finite Element Method for Eigenvalue Problems