A Higher Order Godunov Method for Radiation Hydrodynamics: Radiation Subsystem
A holistic finite difference approach models linear dynamics consistently
A Hybrid Boundary Element Method for Elliptic Problems with Singularities
A Java Math.BigDecimal Implementation of Core Mathematical Functions
A Krylov subspace algorithm for evaluating the phi-functions appearing in exponential integrators
A Lax-Wendroff type theorem for unstructured quasiuniform grids
A Least Squares Functional for Solving Inverse Sturm-Liouville Problems
A Levinson-Galerkin algorithm for regularized trigonometric approximation
A load balancing strategy for parallel computation of sparse permanents
A local greedy algorithm and higher order extensions for global numerical continuation of analytically varying subspaces
A local projection stabilized method for fictitious domains
A localization technique for ensemble Kalman filters
A locking free hp DPG method for linear elasticity with symmetric stresses
A Many to One Discrete Auditory Transform
A mathematical model for rogue waves using Saint-Venant equations with friction
A matrix and its inverse: revisting minimal rank completions
A matrix approach to the computation of quadrature formulas on the unit circle
A mean value theorem for systems of integrals
A Meshless method of lines for the numerical solution of Coupled Drinfeld's-Sokolov-Wilson System
A meshless numerical solution of the family of generalized fifth-order Korteweg-de Vries equations