A discontinuous Galerkin solver for Boltzmann Poisson systems in nano devices
A discrepancy principle for equations with monotone continuous operators
A discrete contact model for crowd motion
A Discretized Fourier Orthogonal Expansion in Orthogonal Polynomials on a Cylinder
A drift homotopy Monte Carlo approach to particle filtering for multi-target tracking
A DSM proof of surjectivity of monotone nonlinear mappings
A duality relation for matrix pencils with application to linearizations
A Factorization of the Spectral Galerkin System for Parametrized Matrix Equations: Derivation and Applications
A family of C^0 finite elements for Kirchhoff plates I: Error analysis
A Family of Multistep Methods with Zero Phase-Lag and Derivatives for the Numerical Integration of Oscillatory ODEs
A Family of Runge-Kutta Methods with Zero Phase-Lag and Derivatives for the Numerical Solution of the Schrödinger Equation and Related Problems
A Fast Algorithm for Computing Expected Loan Portfolio Tranche Loss in the Gaussian Factor Model
A fast algorithm for the linear canonical transform
A fast alternating projection method for complex frequency estimation
A fast and accurate algorithm for solving Bernstein-Vandermonde linear sytem
A fast and well-conditioned spectral method
A Fast Butterfly Algorithm for the Computation of Fourier Integral Operators
A fast direct solver for network matrices
A fast direct solver for structured linear systems by recursive skeletonization
A fast Monte-Carlo method with a Reduced Basis of Control Variates applied to Uncertainty Propagation and Bayesian Estimation