Well-Balanced Schemes for the Initial Boundary Value Problem for 1D Scaler Conservation Laws
Well-posedness of an integro-differential equation with positive type kernels modeling fractional order viscoelasticity
Wendland functions with increasing smoothness converge to a Gaussian
Westervelt Equation Simulation on Manifold using DEC
Which are Better Conditioned Meshes Adaptive, Uniform, Locally Refined or Localised
Why many theories of shock waves are necessary. Convergence error in formally path-consistent schemes
Why many theories of shock waves are necessary. Kinetic functions, equivalent equations, and fourth-order models
Wigner measures in the discrete setting: high-frequency analysis of sampling & reconstruction operators
XFT: An Extension of the Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform
Zero Dispersion and Zero Dissipation Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for the Numerical Solution of Oscillating IVPs