A new integral representation for quasiperiodic fields and its application to two-dimensional band structure calculations
A New Methodology for the Development of Numerical Methods for the Numerical Solution of the Schrödinger Equation
A new model for shallow elastic fluids
A new modified Galerkin method for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations
A New Numerical Algorithm for Thermoacoustic and Photoacoustic Tomography with Variable Sound Speed
A new numerical method for inverse Laplace transforms used to obtain gluon distributions from the proton structure function
A new numerical strategy with space-time adaptivity and error control for multi-scale streamer discharge simulations
A new principle for choosing regularization parameter in certain inverse problems
A New Radial Function
A new semilocal convergence theorem for the Weierstrass method from data at one point
A New Triangular Spectral Element Method I: Implementation and Analysis on a Triangle
A New two-dimensional Second Order Non-oscillatory Central Scheme Applied to multiphase flows in heterogeneous porous media
A new variational formulation based on discontinuous Galerkin technique for a reaction-diffusion problem
A non-adapted sparse approximation of PDEs with stochastic inputs
A Non-Existence Result for Hamiltonian Integrators
A non-homogeneous method of third order for additive stiff systems of ordinary differential equations
A non-overlapping domain decomposition method for incompressible Stokes equations with continuous pressure
A Nonconforming Finite Element Method for Fourth Order Curl Equations in R^3
A Nonlinear GMRES Optimization Algorithm for Canonical Tensor Decomposition
A nonvariational finite element method for fully nonlinear elliptic problems