Two remarks on rectangular mixed finite elements for elasticity
Two results on ill-posed problems
Two stable modifications of the finite section method
Two unconditional stable schemes for simulation of heat equation on manifold using DEC
Two-dimensional Finite Larmor Radius approximation in canonical gyrokinetic coordinates
Two-Grid Methods for Semilinear Interface Problems
Two-scale homogenization of piezoelectric perforated structures
Two-scale numerical simulation of the weakly compressible 1D isentropic Euler equations
Two-scale semi-lagrangian simulation of a charged particle beam in a periodic focusing channel
Two-sided Grassmann-Rayleigh quotient iteration
Two-step General Linear Methods for Retarded Functional Differential Equations
Two-step hybrid methods adapted to the numerical integration of perturbed oscillators
Two-subspace Projection Method for Coherent Overdetermined Systems (Technical Report)
Two-subspace Projection Method for Coherent Overdetermined Systems