A Generalized Quasi-Nonlocal Atomistic-to-Continuum Coupling Method with Finite Range Interaction
A Generalized Sampling Theorem for Stable Reconstructions in Arbitrary Bases
A Geometric Construction for the Evaluation of Mean Curvature
A geometric convergence theory for the preconditioned steepest descent iteration
A geometric Newton method for Oja's vector field
A global method for coupling transport with chemistry in heterogeneous porous media
A global root-finding method for high dimensional problems
A globally accelerated numerical method for optical tomography with continuous wave source
A gradient-augmented level set method with an optimally local, coherent advection scheme
A harmonic Lanczos bidiagonalization method for computing interior singular triplets of large matrices
A high-order accurate discretization scheme for variable coefficient elliptic PDEs in the plane with smooth solutions
A high-order Nystrom discretization scheme for boundary integral equations defined on rotationally symmetric surfaces
A high-order unstaggered constrained transport method for the 3D ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations based on the method of lines
A higher order Blokh-Zyablov propagation rule for higher order nets
A Higher Order Godunov Method for Radiation Hydrodynamics: Radiation Subsystem
A holistic finite difference approach models linear dynamics consistently
A Hybrid Boundary Element Method for Elliptic Problems with Singularities
A Java Math.BigDecimal Implementation of Core Mathematical Functions
A Krylov subspace algorithm for evaluating the phi-functions appearing in exponential integrators
A Lax-Wendroff type theorem for unstructured quasiuniform grids