A finite difference method for Piecewise Deterministic Processes with memory
A Finite Difference method for the Wide-Angle `Parabolic' equation in a waveguide with downsloping bottom
A Finite Difference Method for Two-Phase Parabolic Obstacle-like Problem
A finite volume method on general meshes for a degenerate parabolic convection-reaction-diffusion equation
A finite volume scheme for convection-diffusion equations with nonlinear diffusion derived from the Scharfetter-Gummel scheme
A finite volume scheme for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations
A Forward semi-Lagrangian Method for the Numerical Solution of the Vlasov Equation
A forward-backward splitting algorithm for the minimization of non-smooth convex functionals in Banach space
A Galerkin least-square stabilisation technique for hyperelastic biphasic soft tissue
A Galerkin Method for Strongly Singular Volume Integral Equations Arising in Grating Scattering
A General Approach for Producing Hamiltonian Numerical Schemes for Fluid Equations
A general convergence analysis on inexact Newton method for nonlinear inverse problems
A general framework for deriving integral preserving numerical methods for PDEs
A general recurrence relation for the weight-functions in Mühlbach-Neville-Aitken representions with application to WENO interpolation
A Generalised Trapezoid Type Inequality for Convex Functions
A Generalization of Obreshkoff-Ehrlich Method for Multiple Roots of Algebraic, Trigonometric and Exponential Equations
A Generalization of Obreshkoff-Ehrlich Method for Multiple Roots of Polynomial Equations
A Generalization of the 2D-DSPM for Solving Linear System of Equations
A generalization of the Wiener rational basis functions on infinite intervals
A generalized Numerov method for linear second-order differential equations involving a first derivative term