``Cirrus'' Removal from IRAS Images Using Mathematical Morphology and Wavelet Analysis
``Complexity'' Induced Plasma Turbulence in Coronal Holes and the Solar Wind
``Cosmological'' vacuum state for a black hole immersed in an expanding Friedmann universe
``Golden Oldie'': The Bianchi Classification in the Schücking-Behr Approach
``Hands on'' Experiments in Integrated Approach in Teaching Physics and Chemistry
``No High Energy Emission" GRB Class Is Attributable to Brightness Bias
``Sunshade World'': A fully coupled GCM evaluation of the climatic impacts of geoengineering
``Supermassive Black-Hole Binaries in Merging Cusps''
``SYMBIOSE'' system for microgravity bioregenerative support of experiments
``To See Cosmology in a Quetzal..."
α Centauri binary system: calibration and oscillations
α-Emitting mineral inclusions in apatite, their effect on (U Th)/He ages, and how to reduce it
β-delayed particle decay of 9C and the A=9, T=1/2 nuclear system: R-matrix fits, the A=9 nuclear system, and the stellar reaction rate of 4He(αn,γ)9Be
β-plane or β-planet?
γ-hadron families sensitivity to disoriented chiral condensates
γ-Irradiation of malic acid in aqueous solutions
γ-ray irradiation in the early Solar System and the conundrum of the 176Lu decay constant
δ13C and δ15N in the ornithogenic sediments from the Antarctic maritime as palaeoecological proxies during the past 2000 yr
δ13C evidence that high primary productivity delayed recovery from end-Permian mass extinction
Δ14C, ΣCO2 and salinity of the Western Indian Ocean deep waters: Spatial and temporal variations