Safety analysis report for the Galileo Mission. Volume 2, book 1: Accident model document
Safety in numbers: Gravitational Lensing Degradation of the Luminosity Distance-Redshift Relation
SAFIR operation and evaluation of its performance
SAFIR, the Single Aperture Far-Infrared Observatory, the next big step beyond SIRTF and Herschel
Sagan Lecture : Exploring Titan, An Earth-like Organic Paradise
Sagdeyev comments on achievements of Venera-15, 16
SAGE (Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience): Learning Geophysics by Doing Geophysics
SAGE II observations of polar stratospheric clouds near 50 deg N January 31 - February 2, 1989
Sagnac effect observation in flat and curved spacetime by interference of the opposite topological charge optical vortices
Sahel dust zone and synoptic background
Sailing the Planets: Science from Directed Aerial Robot Explorers
Salellite observations for global modelling
Salinity changes in the North West Pacific Ocean during the late Pliocene/early Quaternary from 2.73 Ma to 2.52 Ma
Salinity impact on water flow and lake ice in Lake Vostok, Antarctica
Salinity of oceanic hydrothermal fluids: a fluid inclusion study
Salinity records for the 1997-98 El Niño from Western Pacific corals
Salinity variation and its effect on dynamic height along the 156°E in the Pacific warm pool
Salinity Variation in the Pacific Warm Pool Observed with TRITON Buoys
Salt diffusion in interstitial waters and halite removal from sediments: Examples from the Red Sea and Illinois basins
Salt-finger driven enhancement of upper ocean nutrient supply