Suborbital intermediate water variability inferred from paired benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca and δ13C in the tropical West Atlantic and linking with North Atlantic climates
Suborbital-period sea-level oscillations during marine isotope substages 5a and 5c
Suboxic deep seawater in the late Paleoproterozoic: Evidence from hematitic chert and iron formation related to seafloor-hydrothermal sulfide deposits, central Arizona, USA
Subpolar Mode Water formation traced by neodymium isotopic composition
Subsets of superstable structures are weakly benign
Subsidence monitoring within the Athens Basin (Greece) using space radar interferometric techniques
Subspaces of an arithmetic universe via type theory
Subspaces of an arithmetic universe via type theory
Substance geology of the western desert in Egypt and Sudan revealed by Shuttle Imaging Radar (SIR-A)
Substances of the Ancient Cosmology
Substantial Lithologic Diversity on 4 Vesta: Evidence from the Petrology and Spectra of Antarctic Eucrites
Substorm and pseudo-substorm Pi2 pulsations observed during the interval of quasi-periodic magnetotail flow bursts: A case study
Substorms and CMEs: A Search for a Common Onset Mechanism
Substrate Effects On Crystal Growth For Icy Planetary Surfaces
Substrates and the growth of crystals on for icy planetary surfaces
Substructure in Clusters as a Cosmological Test
Substructure in Galaxy Clusters Identification through Six Morphology Parameters
Substructure in Galaxy Clusters:A Two Dimensional Approach
Subsurface deformations induced by rainfall and atmospheric pressure: tilt/strain measurements in the NE-Italy seismic area
Subsurface Exploration for Water on Mars