STS-67 mission highlights resource tape
STS-67 post flight presentation
Student Projects in Martian Exploration Using GeoVirgil, a Virtual Observatory For Planetary Data
Student Views on Science and the Scientific Process: Studying Changes Made in a Redesigned Introductory Astronomy Course
Student-Teacher Astronomy Resource (STAR) Program
Students and Teachers Exploring Live the Limits of Life on Earth with a Nasa/seti Expedition to the Highest Lakes on Earth
Studies in biogeochemistry--II : Discussion and references
Studies in diffusion--III. Oxygen in feldspars: an ion microprobe determination
Studies in inhomogeneous cosmological models
Studies of Biominerals Relevant to the Search for Life on Mars
Studies of Brazilian meteorites. XIII - Mineralogy, petrology, and chemistry of the Putinga, Rio Grande do Sul, chondrite
Studies of Brazilian meteorites. XIV - Mineralogy, petrology, and chemistry of the Conquista, Minas Gerais, chondrite
Studies of characteristics of solar cosmic radiation on meteor satellites
Studies of Dark Energy with Chandra
Studies of dark energy with x-ray observatories
Studies of gravitational lens systems discovered in the Cosmic Lens All-Sky Survey
Studies of gravity on stellar and cosmological scales
Studies of Life on Earth are Important for Mars Exploration
Studies of Magmatic Inclusions in the Basaltic Martian Meteorites Shergotty, Zagami, EETA 79001 and QUE 94201
Studies of Quaternary saline lakes--III. Mineral, chemical, and isotopic evidence of salt solution and crystallization processes in Owens Lake, California, 1969-1971