The product formula in unitary deformation K-theory
The Pullbacks of Principal Coactions
The Relative Chern Character and Regulators
The resolvent cocycle in twisted cyclic cohomology and a local index formula for the Podles sphere
The ring structure for equivariant twisted K-theory
The RO(G)-graded coefficients of (Z/2)^n-equivariant K-theory
The second homology group of current Lie algebras
The space of stability conditions for quivers with two vertices
The Steinberg group of a monoid ring, nilpotence, and algorithms
The strong Novikov conjecture for low degree cohomology
The third cohomology group classifies crossed module extensions
The third homology of SL_2 of higher-dimensional local fields
The third homology of the special linear group of a field
The Thom isomorphism in bivariant K-theory
The Thom isomorphism in gauge-equivariant K-theory
The topological K-theory of certain crystallographic groups
The trace on the K-theory of group C*-algebras
The Twisted Higher Harmonic Signature for Foliations
The universal Hopf cyclic theory
The Unstable Slice Filtration